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In-Home Piano Rentals

In-Home Piano Rentals

Easy and Affordable Home Piano Rentals in the Seattle Area

In-Home Piano Rentals

Are you a first-time piano player or unsure whether you or your family will enjoy a piano in your home? For some of our customers, renting a piano is a great option. If you aren’t ready to commit to a piano purchase or just need a piano for a short time, Classic Pianos has a flexible and affordable rental program.

We partner with professional piano movers to ensure the safe delivery of your piano. To learn more about in-home, concert, or event piano rentals, call 425–462–1888 or contact us

Why should I rent a piano from Classic Pianos?

Affordable Pricing:

Classic Pianos rents new Yamaha acoustic pianos for your home.
Rental prices and terms subject to availability.








Ebony Polish

Ebony Polish

Monthly Fee



  1. Piano rental is on a month-to-month basis. Rent is due one month after the piano is delivered to your home.
  2. The renter will be responsible for normal piano maintenance, including regular tunings.
  3. The initial charge includes piano delivery and pick-up fee plus the first month’s rent, due upon signing the rental agreement.
  4. Classic Pianos will credit up to six (6) months of rental payments toward purchasing any piano in our store, including your rental piano.

For example, you have decided to rent the Yamaha B1 for six months, and no steps are involved in the delivery. Before we deliver this piano to you, you’ll need to visit our store, sign a piano rental agreement with us, and pay the first month’s rent ($109.00) plus the piano delivery and pick-up fee ($299 x2) and tax. 

Option to Purchase:
Your initial rental fees are a good investment! If you decide to buy, up to six months of your rental payments will be applied to the purchase of your rental piano or any other piano we carry.

Simple Process:
We make it easy to get a piano in your home! A credit application and a one-page rental agreement are all it takes.

Tell Me More About In-Home Piano Rentals

  • Please confirm your contact information is correct before submitting this form.

Monday – Friday: 11am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: Noon – 5pm